Advanced and compact Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos
- The Clotho Drive Unit is able to control one or two in parallel O-SUPs / A-SUPs size M80 and M100. The dual channel Clotho can drive one M140 with both channels combined
- The Lachesis Drive Unit is able to control one O-SUP / A-SUP size M140 or M200
- The Atropos Drive Unit is able to control one A-SUP size M300
CellMembra P-SUB integrate the Clio One-way-Single-Use-Pump (O-SUP) cell. CellRetention P-SUB integrate the Thalia Alternating-Single-Use-Pump (A-SUP). Clio and Thalia SUP functionality relay on the LASER sensor combined with the Apollon brain inside Metis hardware controlled by the Clotho software family to maximize the diaphragm SUPs unique functionality. PLC hardware Apollon insure the Clio becomes a true Positive Displacement (PD) O-SUP and HFF cleaner. And Thalia A-SUP performs as an accurate alternating broth exchanger and HFF cleaner.
A few hardware / software features in short are:
- The smallest, most compact, most light weight Drive Unit available - fits easily into any lab
- Clotho available in a stereo / dual channel version
- The most accurate diaphragm SUP Drive Unit available - 1 % mass-flow accuracy
- Build in human intelligence which compensate for O-SUP, A-SUP manufacturing tolerances and different hose dimensions and length

Please find more information by clicking on various subjects in the menu.
The portfolio of CellMembra and CellRetention P-SUBs are technically driven by the Clotho software loaded into the Apollon PLC housed inside the Metis Drive Unit hardware. The colorful GUI is based on CodeSys software on top of Linux firmware. Super compact Apollon PLC is integrated into the very compact Metis unit (Hephaestus cabinet's) and then loaded with a specific software colour according to the purpose.
Software upgrades easily via an USB memory stick supplied by PerfuseCell. Insert the stick into the USB socket - turn Clotho off and on - and vupti the software on the stick will be installed.
March 2023