Scalable Perfusion-Single-Use-Bioreactor’s – series 31
Scalable Perfusion-Single-Use-Bioreactor’s - series 31
CellRetention™ P-SUB cultivate mammalian cell’s in suspension at high cell density via cell retention and perfusion mode operation for weeks. The customizable Perfusion-Single-Use-Bioreactor (P-SUB) with the Hollow-Fiber-Filter (HFF) and the high precision Thalia Alternating-Single-Use-Pump (A-SUP) concept and Single-Use-Sensor’s (SUS).
Flush out easily any fouling, debris inside the HFF lumens

CellRetention Perfusion-SUB photos sizes fully pre-assembled with Hollow-Fiber-Filter (HFF) and the Thalia diaphragm Single-Use-Pump (SUP) driving the perfusion process. The solution is the Pulsating-Tangential-Flow (PTF) driven by the unique Clotho Drive Unit.
Customizable CellRetention series 31 product range
- 100 - 150 ml Working Volume (WV) - 250 ml VV - for Modular
- 100 - 150 ml Working Volume (WV) - 300 ml VV - for DASbox
- 100 - 250 ml Working Volume (WV) - 500 ml VV for any PCS
- 500 - 1500 ml Working Volume (WV) - 2.0 liter VV for any PCS
- 1 - 2 litre Working Volume (WV) - 3.2 liter VV for any PCS
- 2 - 10 liter Working Volume (WV) - 13 liter VV for any PCS
- 4 - 25 liter Working Volume (WV) - 30 liter VV - ultimo 2024
All pre-assembled, pre-packed, all single-use (of course) and ready for easy use. Work with most Process-Control-Systems (PCS) combined with Clotho Drive Unit.
Patents granted for CellMembra™, CerPhragm™, CellRetention™. Patents gives PerfuseCell Freedom-to-Operate and eliminates infringements.