400 - 2,000 ml Working Volume with Thalia A-SUP keep HFF clean
PerfuseCell offer all pre-assembled 3,200 ml Vessel Volume CellRetention-3200. SUB vessel size is OD 137 x 270 mm combined with the Thalia-TM100 A-SUP and Hollow-Fiber-Filter and SUS – ready to use.
From left: Illustration show fluid diagram with Magnetic-Bottom-Drive SUB, controlled diaphragm A-SUP and passive HFF. The customizable SUB suction deep-tube connects via a hose to the HFF top and at feed side to the A-SUP ¾” TRI. The A-SUP integrates a foot, and the red LASER sensor in real-time measure the position of the diaphragm and for full control of velocity and selected exchanged volume.
From left: Pre-assembled 3200 P-SUB, TM100 A-SUP, ¾” TRI HFF. The pre-assembled A-SUP/HFF integrated a 3-legged foot. The red LASER sensor for real-time measuring the position of the elastic diaphragm inside the A-SUP. Photo to the right - the Magnetic-Stirrer-Table slightly visible, an extensive P-SUB with huge assembly and Thalia TM100 A-SUP with ¾” TRI connection to the HFF.
P-SUB - for cultivation (the SUB is sourced from sister company CerCell):
- 100% configurable design for the 3.2 liter Vessel Volume (VV) - Working Volume (WV) as low as 400 ml - SUS and impeller dependent
- Agitation from bottom by Magnetic-Bottom-Drive (MBD) driven by the Magnetic-Stirrer-Table (MST-U)
P-SUB - Thermal Control
- Electrical blanket heating - wrap the orange silicone blanket around the SUB - (dim 75 x 350 mm) - traditional
- Electrical jacket heating - Heating-Support-Foot integrated with the Magnetic-Stirrer-Table (MST) - the HSF adds important stability and ease in use - best choice
- Water Re-Usable-Jacket (RUJ) for heating/cooling even combined with the Magnetic-Bottom-Drive (MST)
HFF – harvest continuous a cell free permeate
PerfuseCell offer pre-installed dry stored 0.2 µm pore size HFFs. Choose from one of your preferred HFF suppliers. We pre-install whichever HFF you want. We can even install two HFF in parallel – each in series with a manual valve for choice of use - for like centrifugal pumps.
Thalia-TM100 A-SUP = Alternating-Single-Use-Pump:
- Thalia keep the HFF, Hollow-Fibre-Filter clean, free from fouling issues by programable sequential selectable high fluid velocity flushing out debris securing optimum process time with a single HFF
- The diaphragm Alternating-Single-Use-Pump (A-SUP) exchange back and forth broth from the SUB through the HFF
- The high precision LASER sensor measures in real-time and accurate the position of the diaphragm so broth velocity and exchanged volume calculation can be performed
- Thalia-M100 can exchange any volume within its spec programmable from 0 to +10 m/sec velocity through the HFF
- Thalia exchange equally well gas or liquids or any mix
SUS - Single-Use-Sensor's to choose from:
- CellRetention™ features pre-installed 225 mm long SUS for DO, pH, level/ground
- Available with Hamilton InCyte bio-mass SUS patch mounted low on the 3.2 liter SUB cylinder
- Completely eliminate the need for components sterilized in conventional autoclave
A-SUP – Thalia operated by the Clotho Drive Unit:
- CellRetention™ P-SUB works with any PCS
- Drive Unit Clotho designed to control the Thalia Single-Use-Pump and ensure efficient and reproducible operation
- From Clotho programmable broth/retentate velocity and volume through HFF module for harvest and for removal of potential membrane deposits
- Connection to pressurized air and vacuum within your lab - or from unit's like Alagonia and Sarpedon - if you don't have access to pressurized air and vacuum
- Super compact Clotho available in either single or dual channel models