
All our life is about communication


In practice, the controlling hardware platform inside Clotho and Lachesis is the same. Genius control of all the Single-Use-Pump's and Single-Use-Exchanger's offered by PerfuseCell. We have named this proprietary PLC hardware platform of our own design / construction for Apollon.

The Apollon unit is a super compact PLC, which houses a 900 MHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU and 16 GB Ram. A range of 15-bit high speed in/out analogue and digital channels corresponding with various sensor’s and actuator’s. The ARM CPU drive a 5” TFT touch sensitive graphical display operating Linux Wheesi firmware and features also a build-in Apache webserver.

Apollon is installed inside the Hephaestus cabinet (with many other components) and hereby becomes the naked, non-intelligent Metis product. When the proprietary Clotho or Lachesis software is loaded into Metis – Metis is transferred to the intelligent Clotho and Lachesis Drive Unit for the O-SUP and A-SUP control.

Clotho and Lachesis software is programmed in CODESYS ver 3.5 allowing:

  • any imaginable operation sequence, cycle for each diaphragm SUP (pulse ramp, pulse train, pulse length, pulse pause, stroke start, stroke length, stroke distance, cleaning pulse ramp steepness = selectable velocity)
  • real-time information about pumped volume from each diaphragm SUP
  • data acquisition and subsequent data logging for each diaphragm SUP


5-screen dump Clotho-2.PNG2-screen dump Clotho-2.PNG3-screen dump Clotho-2.PNG4-screen dump Clotho-2.PNG

The GUI, Graphical-User-Interface is principally identical between Clotho-1 and Clotho-, Lachesis or Atropos.

Since when did the Clotho and Lachesis Drive Units communicate with:

  • 2018 DasWare from DasGip

  • 2022 Lucullus from SecureCell

  • 2023 DeltaV from Emmerson

O-SUP / A-SUP installed LASER sensor communicate

Both Clio abd Thalia features the Leuse Laser sensor, which online read out the actual position of the diaphragm position in real-time to the drive units. This key information is critical for the unique performance of PerfuseCell's range of products.

Clotho / Lachesis communication

The integrated web-host allows the user to access the Apollon PLC via:

  • The integrated TFT touch sensitive graphical display
  • Wi-Fi / USB adapter and smartphones and pads
  • IP/TCP from many devices via Ethernet / LAN
  • OPC-UA and Modbus as standard for external software control