150 ml Working Volume P-SUB with A-SUP designed for the Clotho Drive Unit
World first small Perfusion-SUB 500 ml Vessel Volume (VV) with SUB dimension OD 82 x 120 mm. Combined with the Thalia-TM80 A-SUP for alternating exchange of the broth flow along the 0.2 µm pore size Hollow-Fiber-Filter module (HFF). Quite advanced with both pH SUS, DO SUS and even bio-mass Single-Use-Sensor (BugLab or PICO from ABER).
From left: Illustration show relevant fluid schematics with Magnetic-Bottom-Drive P-SUB, controlled diaphragm A-SUP and traditional HFF. Complete setup for CellRetention-500 in Heating-Support-Foot (HSF-E). Thalia driven by Clotho Drive Unit and air / vacuum Alagonia pump's / Sarpedon reservoir. Photo show the same setup with Clotho mounted vertically.
From left: CAD rendered illustrations show complete and ready to use CellRetention-mini P-SUB with one pitch blade impeller. 4 head plate port for; VisiWell, OneFerm, PICO biomass and level sensor. Photo of the same setup with finished products and P-SUB mounted in HSF-E. CAD rendered drawing illustrating the A-SUP mounted vertically on the SUB for compactnes.
From left: Thalia-TM80 on feet supporting red LASER sensor for on-line measuring the position of the diaphragm and hereby full control of both velocity and volume via Clotho Drive Unit.
SUB to support the high cell density cultivation:
- Configurable design – if you have special request to impeller design and hose configuration
- Agitation via Magnetic-Bottom-Drive (MBD) on Magnetic-Stirrer-Table (MST)
- Electrical or liquid thermal control integrated all within the Heating-Support-Foot (HSF)
HFF – harvest continuous a cell free permeate
PerfuseCell as standard offer a dry stored 0.2 µm pore size HFF. You can though choose from one of your preferred HFF suppliers. We pre-install whichever HFF you want. Alternatively we can even install two HFF in parallel – each in series with a manual valve for choice of use - for a centrifugal pump not able to keep the HFF clean.
Thalia-TM80 A-SUP = Alternating-Single-Use-Pump = the ATF method:
- The A-SUP exchange broth from the SUB through the HFF and return to the SUB through the HFF - simultaneously the permeate pass the HFF barrier as harvest
- Thalia-TM80 A-SUP is integrated with both the SUB and the HFF
- Thalia-TM80 A-SUP take advantage of the re-usable LASER sensor support
- The LASER sensor measures in real-time with high precision the position of the diaphragm for volume exchange and broth velocity calculation performed by Clotho
- Thalia-TM80 A-SUP can exchange any volume within its spec (Cardiac Output) with programmable velocity from 0 to +10 m/sec through the HFF
SUS - Single-Use-Sensor's - pre-installed as standard:
- Port occupied by VisiWell for the VisiFerm 120 mm size DO sensor digital or analogue type
- Port occupied by FermProbe pH PG 13.5 x 120 classical analogue signal via S8 connector
- Port occupied by PICO capacitance bio-mass Single-Use-Sensor - if available from ABER
- Port occupied by broth exchange tube and one level sensor + ground with 2 mm banana plugs
P-SUB – perfusion controlled by the Clotho Drive Unit:
- CellRetention-mini™ P-SUB work excellent with most Process-Control-Systems (PCS)
- CellRetention-mini broth exchange is performed by Thalia Alternating-SUP (ATF method)
- Drive Unit is designed to handle one or two Thalia-TM80 Single-Use-Pump’s and ensure efficient and reproducible operation
- Clotho easy programmable broth/retentate velocity and volume through HFF module for harvest and for removal of membrane deposits
- Connection to compact pressurized air and vacuum unit's like the Alagonia and Sarpedon - if you don't have in lab pressurized air and vacuum
World smallest Perfusion-SUB able to be operated from most PCS.