Re-Usable-Jacket water heating thermal performance for ATF method perfusion
For water conveying Process-Control-System (PCS). The here shown heat exchanger for bottom driven P-SUBs size 3,200. The RUJ is designed for direct integration on the Magnetic-Stirrer-Table.
Re-Usable-Jacket (RUJ) for CellMembra-3200 or CellRetention-3200 all size OD 137 x 270 mm. Photo left - The two red hoses indicate the PCS will be connected to the BioStat. Center photo - RUJ bolted on and integrated with MST-U-8-B.
40°C warm water introduced at the bottom. Upper exit water is slightly colder as to early photo. Note the fully even yellow color all over the entire transparent wall of the RUJ.
Weight consideration for the 3,200 ml P-SUB (in kilo):
- Re-Usable-Jacket - 10.6 kg
- Re-Usable-Jacket mounted on SS MST-U - 14.9 kg