Small size CellRetention™ keep HFF free from fouling
World only P-SUB including the ATF method offer:
- HFF (Hollow-Fibre-Filter) fouling free process with innovative diaphragm pump
- 1 - 2.5 liter Working Volume fully pre-assembled P-SUB incl assembly of hoses and bottles
- Alternating of broth by Thalia TM100 diaphragm Alternating-Single-Use-Pump (A-SUP)
- Outstanding Clotho software - stand-alone or OPC-UA connected
Industry leading architecture P-SUB pre-installed with:
- HFF (Hollow-Fibre-Filter) of your choice available as low shear stress integrated (no TRI-clamps or Luer-Loc)
- Ground-breaking LSASER sensorr controlled diaphragm Single-Use-Pump (SUP)
- Single-Use-Sensors (SUS) for DO, pH, bio-mass, temp, level
The 3.2 liter VV P-SUB with pre-installed Thalia TM100 with 600 mm long HFF on top of Thalia M100. Centre photo Thalia M100 with shown LASER. 3200 P-SUB next to TM100 and the Clotho Drive Unit.
CellRetention-3200 integrates SUB / A-SUP / HFF / SUS in one package:
- 3,200 ml Vessel Volume (VV) with 5 x PG 13.5 ports (sourced from sister company CerCell)
- 900 – 2,000 ml Working Volume (WV) ) in a OD 137 mm vessel
- Integrated Single-Use-Sensor’s - OneFerm pH and VisiWell or PolarWell for standard DO Re-Usable-Sensor's
- 3 free PG 13.5 port for other sensor's
- Thalia-TM100 A-SUP facilitating fully controlled and measured broth volume - see Thalia spec
- Thermal control either electrical or with water
- A. Spectrum HFF with 0.2 µm pore, ?? x 1.0 mm PES straw/lumen, ??? cm2 area, ½" TRI-clamp, Luer-Lok side ports, (T06-P20U-10-N)
- B. Spectrum HFF with 0.2 µm pore, 75 x 1.0 mm straw/lumen, ??? cm2 area, ¾" TRI-clamp and ½" side ports, (S04-P20U-10-N)
- C. Meissner HFF with 0.2 µm pore, direct coupled
Direct-fit connection of HFF to Thalia A-SUPs reduces vastly shear stress from SUP outlet to HFF inlet. Center photo show extensive assembly with 3 bottles and hoses installed as well. To the right the InCyte patch is seen with ARC sensor module.
Thalia TM100 A-SUP for Clotho Drive Unit:
- The diaphragm Alternating-Single-Use-Pump (SUP) integrate no valves. And as to such simplified operation only exchange broth forth and back – all along the HFF. The HFF receive broth from the SUB and return the same broth volume back through the HFF to the SUB
- The A-SUP dome is designed with ¾ TRI-clamp flange and hereby fits the HFF coupling
- The A-SUP optionally fitted with HFF direct connected for ultra low shear stress
- The A-SUP operation is controlled by the super compact Clotho Drive Unit which insure exchange of broth volume
Its easy to see that no valve body is included within the A-SUP. The Thalia is not a pump - but a broth exchanger. Insuring dual directional broth flow. Described also as alternating broth flow or reciprocating broth flow.
SUS - Single-Use-Sensor’s to choose from:
- One port for either PolarWell or VisiWell Single-Use-Well (SUW) for 220 mm RUS
- One port for 225 mm OneFerm or FermProbe pH Single-Use-Sensor (SUS) S8 socket, classical signal
- InCyte ARC bio-mass sensor patch optional installed horizontal at bottom
- Reduce vastly or eliminate components sterilized in conventional autoclave.
More information about CellRetention P-SUB to be found under Support