Pre-installed liquid level Single-Use-Sensor
Typically, an on/off type of sensing most often able to eliminate the need of the balancer. One longer electrode is the ground and one shorter being the level detecting electrode. Either for 4 mm or 2 mm banana plugs depending on P-SUB size. If a 3rd electrode is needed - contact us.
CellMembra-500 and CellRetention-500 both facilitate liquid level and/or foam measurements integrated as one of the 4 SUS.
1 – Suction trunk CellMembra-500 with O-SUP In&Out and level sensor for 2 mm banana plug connection. 2 - Head plate from 500 ml P-SUBs mounted with level sensor integrated in the suction trunk for dual 6 mm PC tubes for broth suction and return connection. Further visible the blue pH SUS. 3 - Seen the VisiFerm DO sensor inserted into the VisiWell next to suction trunk.
Suction-Level CellMembra-500
Suction trunks for the CellMembra-500 integrating the O-SUP In&Out and dual level sensors for 2 mm banana plug connection.