Pre-installed Single-Use-Sensor’s
CellMembra-500 and CellRetention-500 as standard include through the head-plate vertically mounted pre-installed Single-Use-Sensor's (SUS) for DO, pH and level. The DO, pH and bio-mass SUS is mounted for lowest possible point of sensing in the broth. For accurate DO measurements and space limitations VisiWell is pre-installed. Use the VisiFerm Re-Usable-Sensor supplied with the PCS. For pH measurements standard PCS cabling with either AK9 or AS8 or ARC/VP connector coupled to the pre-installed pH SUS is recommended.
CellMembra and CellRetention ranging from iSUB 1,000 ml over CellVessel 3,200 to 1,3000 sizes as standard include pre-installed vertically mounted Single-Use-Sensor's (SUS) for DO, pH and level. Even single-use bio-mass InCyte patch as an option mounted horizontal at bottom. For accurate DO measurements we pre-install either VisiWell or PolarWell. Use the optical or polarographic Re-Usable-Sensor supplied with your PCS. For pH measurements standard PCS cabling with either AK9 or AS8 or ARC/VP cable connector coupled to the pre-installed pH SUS is recommended.
Technology |
Optical |
Optical |
Chemical |
Chemical |
Capacitance |
Product name |
VisiWell™ |
PolarWell™ |
OneFerm™ |
OneFerm™ |
InCyte™ |
Parameters |
DO VisiFerm |
DO |
pH |
pH |
bio-mass |
Communication |
Hamilton ARC |
BJC, MT, Hamilton |
analogue |
analogue or ARC |
Hamilton ARC |
Connector |
VP |
S8 or K8 |
VP8 |
VP |
Format |
PG 13.5 x 12 |
PG 13.5 x 12 |
PG 13.5 x 12 |
PG 13.5 x 12 |
patch on SUB wall |
Manufacturer |
CerCell |
CerCell |
Hamilton |
Hamilton |
Hamilton |
SUW for VisiFerm optical RUS |
SUW for various RUS Polarographic |
Glass SUS |
Glass SUS Pt100 |
Polymer SUS patch |
Storage and life time |
<18 month dry storage |
<18 month dry storage |
<18 month dry storage |
<18 month dry storage |
<18 month dry storage <6 month operation |
120 mm |
available |
available |
available |
available |
parallel to SUB wall |
220 mm |
available |
available |
n/a |
n/a |
225 mm |
n/a |
n/a |
available |
available |
320 |
available |
available |
available |
available |
420 |
available |
available |
available |
available |
Glossary - look here for comprehensive explanations
- SUS = Single-Use-Sensor, pre-installed by PerfuseCell
- RUS = Re-Usable-Sensor, insert DO RUS body into Single-Use-Well products VisiWell or PolarWell
- SUW = Single-Use-Well's pre-installed by PerfuseCell. Like VisiWell for the VisiFerm DO RUS and PolarWell for general polarographic DO RUS
Details P-SUB size 500
- DO, pH, and level SUS length 120 mm all arranged vertical through the head plate into the 500 ml mini P-SUB
Details P-SUBs size 3200 and 5700 and 13000
- VisiWell (for "VisiFerm DO) mounted vertical through the head plate
- OneFerm pH SUS mounted vertical through the head plate
- InCyte bio-mass SUS patch arranged vertical through side wall

- VPx = VarioPin connector standard from swiss company Bueschel - like VP8 or VP12
- S8 = Schott pH sensor connector not available from Hamilton
- K8 = Ingold pH sensor connector standard widely used
- SS = Stainless Steel
- D-SUB = 9 leg industrial electrical connector
- PG 13.5 = PG means Stahl-Panzer-Rohr-Gewinde being an old German design. Size 13.5 is the thread size on the 12 mm rod for vertical sensor installation