Scalable diaphragm Single-Use-Pump’s for perfusion - series 32
One of the purposes of the CerPhragm family of Single-Use-Pump’s (SUP) is to support upstream perfusion cultivation and secure a single HFF stays clean for the entire process. Two variants of the LASER guided CerPhragm family of diaphragm SUPs is currently available:
- ATF operation method – named Thalia A-SUP – Alternating-Tangential-Flow - no valves
- TFF operation method – named Clio O-SUP – Tangential-Flow-Filtration - OneWay flow direction - with valves
Both Thalia and Clio SUPs offer advanced and gentle performance guided by a LASER and controlled by either Clotho or Lachesis or Atropos Drive Units. With Drive Units connected to Lucullus, DeltaV, DASware one can have as many datapoint as required. And repeat accurately the preferred pump operation.
Thalia and Clio SUP's keep the Hollow-Fibre-Filter (HFF) clean, free from fouling issues by programable sequential selectable fluid velocity flushing out debris securing optimum process time with a single HFF
The CerPhragm "Single-Use-Pump" family are, as the expression indicated, made entirely from polymers and as such not designed to be high temperature autoclaved. But can be supplied E-beam irradiated in dual foil bags. Further Thalia A-SUP can be supplied included the HFF of your choice. An increase in hose diameter, retentate / HFF outlet port diameter / SUB inlet port diameter is needed in order to accommodate the increased volume at increased velocity for the cleaning steps.
Working with IPR one realizes that it makes sense that each patent family has a name. These acronym's became “CerPhragm” and products, daughters being Thalia and Clio for our diaphragm SUP family. .
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