CellMembra Perfusion-Single-Use-Bioreactor

Hi again,

CellMembraTM is a family of single-use Tangential-Flow-Filtration (TFF) perfusion systems. We have combined a CerCell Single-Use-Bioreactor (SUB), a selectable Hollow-Fiber-Filter (HFF) and a high precision Clio recirculating Single-Use-Pump (SUP). This small model is designed for cultivating 100-300 ml volume of mammalian cells operating at high cell density - like 25-80 mio/cells/ml. Includes all the expected component, fully pre-assembled, fully single-use for Research & Development …. ready to use right out of the box.

Optimised for use in single application or in various parallel applications combined with your existing Process-Control-System (PCS). The CellMembraTM comprises DO, pH, capacitance biomass, and level SUS. 

More CellMembra info here https://perfusecell.com/products/cellmembra-perfusion/cellmembra-500

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With kind regards from
Per Stobbe