Small size Perfusion-SUB integrating pump, Hollow-Fiber-Filter and sensor’s
World only P-SUB for TFF method process offer:
- HFF (Hollow-Fibre-Filter) fouling free process with innovative diaphragm pump
- 0.4 - 2 liter Working Volume fully pre-assembled P-SUB - incl assembly of hoses and bottles
- Circulation of broth by Clio-CM100 diaphragm One-way-Single-Use-Pump (O-SUP)
From left: 1. – WORLD only 100 % pre-assembled including single-use assembly, 2. Packed, pre-sterilized and ready to use Single-Use-Bioreactor for perfusion, 3. Rendered assembly incl Single-Use-Pump all ready to use.
CellMembra-3200 integrates SUB / O-SUP / HFF / SUS in one package:
- 3.2 liter Vessel Volume (VV) with 5 x PG 13.5 ports supplied by CerCell
- 0.4 – 2.0 liter Working Volume (WV)
- Integrated Single-Use-Sensor - OneFerm pH and VisiWell DO for VisiFerm Re-Usable-Sensor. Even the new InCyte ARC patch can be integrated.
- 3 free PG 13.5 port for other sensor's
- Clio-CM100 with fully controlled and measure broth volume and velocity in real-time - see Clio O-SUP spec
- Thermal control either electrical or with water - check out under Thermal Accessories
HFF - most often used
- Repligen HFF with 0.2 µm pore, 14 x 1.0 mm straw/lumen, ??? cm2 area, ½" TRI-clamp ports, Luer-Lok side ports, (T0?-P20U-10-N)
- Repligen HFF with 0.2 µm pore, 75 x 1.0 mm straw/lumen, ??? cm2 area, 3/4" TRI-clamp ports, (S0?-P20U-10-N)
- Cytiva HFF
Clio-M100 diaphragm O-SUP controlled by:
- The ultra compact Clotho Drive Unit available in both a single channel and a dual channel version
- If you don't have <3 Bar pressure and good vacuum supply available in your lab - then add one or two of Alagonia pumps and Sarpedon reservoir
ESACT presentation CellMembra
CellMembra Clio-100 on foot
Clotho tower CellMembra on MST
From left: 1. – Working presentation on ESACT in Lausanne. 2. – Incl Clio-CM100 O-SUP and the support foot which also holds the red laser sensor. 3. – One example of SUB supporting hardware installation showing Clotho, Alagonia, Sarpedon.
SUS - Single-Use-Sensor’s to choose from:
- One port for either PolarWell or VisiWell Single-Use-Well (SUW) for 220 mm RUS
- One port for OneFerm or FermProbe pH Single-Use-Sensor (SUS) S8 socket, classical signal
- InCyte ARC bio-mass sensor optional installed in wall close to bottom
- One port for thermo couple
- Reduce vastly or eliminate components sterilized in conventional autoclave
Other features for the 3200 P-SUB:
- Fully assembled Perfusion-SUB packed in dual film bags and precision irradiated - ready to use
- Limited need for assembling the perfusion concept in LAF bench – less contamination risks - bio-mass SUS is also possible
- Three baffles of width 10 mm x thickness 4 mm – if you have other requirements – tell us
- Impeller: Kidney impeller, OD 60 mm, 3 blades, 30 degrees clock wise rotation and up flow mounted 50 mm from the bottom – if you have other requirements – tell us
- Pumped volume and velocity measured accurately and fully controlled – no guessing
More information about CellMembra P-SUB to be found under Support