CellRetention-500 Perfusion-Single-Use-Bioreactor

Hi again

100 ml Working Volume P-SUBs for mammalian cell cultivation / retention in perfusion setup in a fully single-use setup. The Perfusion-Single-Use-Bioreactor integrates a Single-Use-Bioreactor (SUB) and the Alternating-Single-Use-Exchanger (A-SUE) and Single-Use-Sensor's (SUS) and the Hollow-Fiber-Filter (HFF). All put together the CellRetention P-SUB opens up for new opportunities - no need for the hood. 

The modular design allows compact integration with any Process-Control-System (PCS) you may have available in your lab. The SUS adapt to existing PCS sensor amplifies and cable connectors. Pre-installed high quality DO, pH, bio-mass, level Single-Use-Sensors.

More details to be found here http://perfusecell.com/products/cellretention-perfusion/cellretention-mini/

Previous newsletters they can be found on http://perfusecell.com/news/newsletter/

With kind regards from
Per Stobbe